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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 28" 1866 #198| Texas J.B. Kiddoo, General | Galveston Aug 21" 1866 Requests permission to pay the Clerks at his Hd Qrs $125 per month for their services.| E.B Vol 2 page 2 |

| Aug 30" 1866 #199 | Tennessee C.B. Fisk, General (5 enclos)| Nashville Aug 27" 1866
| Forwards recommended application of Lt. Col Fred S. Palmer, V.R.C. for a position in one of the new regiments of V.R.C. encloses recommendations from Col's Wisewell, Woodward & others
| Forwarded to the Sec of War recommended Aug 30" 1866 |

| Aug 31" 1866 #200 | Tennessee C.B. Fisk General | Nashville Aug 27" 1866 | Forwards approved and recommended application of Private Gabriel Burdett Co "J" 114" U.S.C.I to be discharged the service. Has a wife & 7 children depending upon him for support, is a regular ordained minister of the Gospel, has a Commission to labor among the freedman of Ky. Is on duty with Gen'l Fisk | Forwarded Sept 1 1866 |

| Aug 31" 1866 #201 | Tenney J.P | Atlanta Ga. Aug 28" 1866 | Writes in behalf of Frank Johnson (colored) who came to him during the siege of Vicksburg from Yazoo Co. Miss, where he left his daughter who he wishes to recover | Referred to Asst Com'r. of Miss. for information Aug 31" 1866 |

| Aug 29" 1866 #202 | Tennessee, Dept of. Gen H Thomas Gen'l | Nashville Aug 29" 1866 | Telegram "In answer to your letter of the 20" inst. I recommend Bt. Maj General's Tillson, Swayne and Maj Gen'l T.J. Wood be retained in the Freedmen's Bureau as long as it continues." | file |

| Sept 1st 1866 #203 | Tennessee C.B. Fisk General | Nashville Aug 28" 1866 | Forwards report of lt. Col. Fred S Palmer Supt. &c. of affairs of the Bureau in Sub. Dist. of Memphis for July 1866. | file |

| Sept 1st 1866 #204 | Texas, State of J.W. Throckmorton Gov., Tele to the President | Austin Aug 20" 1866 | "An editor has been fined $200 and imprisoned for strictures upon conduct of freedmen teachers" Was a Sub Comr the power that is distroying the liberty of the press | file |

| Sept 3" 1866 #205 | Texas J.B. Kiddoo General Telegram | Galveston Sept 2" 1866 "Surgeon Wilson is here, Medical Dept all right | file |

| Sept 3" 1866 #206 | Texas J.B. Kiddoo General | Galveston Aug 20" 1866 Reports relative to condition of affairs in Texas |

| Sept 3" 1866 #207 | Texas J.B. Kiddoo, General | Galveston, July 2nd 1866 Requests that Bt. Brig Gen'l R.P. Runkle he ordered to report to him for duty. Also renews his application for more army officers to act as Sub. Acct. Com'rs| Referred to A.C. of S.C. Sept 21" 1866 Filed |

Transcription Notes:
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