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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 8th 1866. #245. * | Tennessee. J. R. Lewis General (2 enclo's) file. | Nashville, Oct 3rd 1866. Transmits report of rations issued to refugees and freedmen during the of Sept. 1866, States that the issue was made to prevent great suffering caused by the ravages of Cholera. | 

| Oct 9" 1866 #246 | Texas J.B. Kiddoo. General. | Galveston Oct 1" 1866. States that Miss Appleton, who has been employed in teaching the freedmen for six months is now at the City Hospital in a state of insanity. She has no relatives in that part of the country and he can obtain no knowledge of her friends or family. She has already been a source of expense to the ammount of "70- Asks what shall be done in the case, and if he can pay the expenses out of the Refugee fund. E.B. page 42. Vol 2. |

| 1866 #247. * | Tennessee State of. A.J. Flitcher. Sec. of State. file. | Nashville Sept 29" 1866. Replies to letter of 26" inst. to the Gov. of Tenn and transmits copy of Acts of 1865-6 "believing the state of freedmen fully appears in that volume" aslo sends copy of proceeding of the extra Sessions ratifying the proposed Constitutional Amendment. |

| Oct 10 1866. #248.  Tennessee. J.R. Lewis General file | Nashville Oct - 1866. Submits report of changes in Officers and Civilians for month of Sept 1866. | 

| Oct 11" 1866 #249 | Terry H.K. | Thomaston. Conn. Oct 9" 1866. Desires to obtain colored servants. Oct 11 1866. Referred to A.C. of D.C. |

| Oct 12" 1866. #250 * | Tennessee. J.R. Lewis General. 9 1 enclo.) | Nashville. Oct 8" 1866. Transmits full report for month of August in obedience to telegram. States that Gen'l Fisk, said he would make this report and took home all the material for it. and also a clerk for that especial purpose. Will forward the report for Sept in a few days. |

| Oct 12" 1866. #251. 
 Taylor Thomas. (U.S. Arsenal) | Washington Oct 11" 1866. States that a man named Henderson, is living on a barron spot of land near Fort Monroe Va. who he thinks has been unjustly treated by Agents of the Bureau. That he had a lease of the land from the rebel General Anderson, who charged him $50 pr. annum &c. that he was a loyal man and rendered the Gov't much service during the War. Requests that Gen'l Howard will order $100 to be refunded to him. Oct 12" 1866 Referred to A.C. of Va for report. Nov 2" 1866. Rec'd back with a report. E.B. p 67. Vol2. |

| Oct 15" 1866. #252 | Tennessee J.R. Jewis General. (1 enclo's) file. sent to Mr. Alvrid. | Nashville. Oct 10" 1866. Forwards School report for September. States that it is imperfect for reasons given by the Sup't within. Hopes to do better next month. |