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Brought from letter "T"
[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Dec 26th 1866, #334 * | Texas. S.H. Lathrop Major. file. | Galveston Dec 14th 1866. Forwards copy of order assigning him to temporary duty as Acting Asst. Comr for Texas. |

| Dec 26th 1866 #335 * | Tennessee, Capt. W. Walsh. Ch. Supt. (2 enclo) file. | Nashville Dec 5th 1866, Reports of outrages in Tenn. for the month of November, 1866. |

| Dec 24th 1866 #336 * | Tennessee. Dept of Geo. H. Thomas. General. (1 enclo) file. | Louisville Dec 19th 1866 Forwards official copy of telegram sent Dec 19th 1866 in regard to the dividing of his Dept. in Dist. |

| Dec 26th 1866 #337 * | Tennessee. J. R. Lewis General. See M. 549. Vol. 8 file. | Nashville Nov. 22nd 1866 Forwards report of John Lawrence Supt. relative to the case of aduction of certain colored children from Nashville, by Messrs Beach & Chatham  |

| Dec 26th 1866. #338. * | Treasury Department. Hon H. McCulloch, Sec. (1 enclos) See P. 14. Vol. 9 1867. C 191 Vol 10.  E.B p 181 Vol 2 Feby 26th Rec'd back with report. E.B.p 249. Vol 2. | Washington Dec 20th 1866. Encloses report of Mr Wm Fessenden on the claim of Mr. Geo. D. Martin for release of 107 bales of cotton seized & sold at Helena Ark, and requests that an officer of this Bureau be directed to examine this matter & report what is due the freedmen employed in raising said cotton, &c. |