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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Dec 27th 1866 #339. | Texas S.H. Lathrop, Bvt. Maj. (4 enclo) file. | Galveston Dec 18th 1866. Forwards documents relative to the abuse and danger of a freedmen named "Perkins" and his release from his former master; among others, the report of Bt. Col. J. C. DeGress, Sub-Asst. Com'r. at Houston, on this subject. |

| Dec 28th 1866 # 340 | Tennessee F.S. Palmer Lt. Col | Nashville
Dec 24th 1866. Forwards telegram of Gen'l Tillson to Comdg. Officer of the Dept. of the Tenn. "stating that R.R.Co's refused to "transport Freedmen and Refugees from Atlanta to Chattanooga on Gov't transportation," Referred to, and returned by Q. M. Gen'l with the following endorsement, "The accounts for this transportation are paid by the freedmen's bureau from it's own appropriations. The Q.M. Dept. continues to issue through it's offices the order for the transportation required by the Freedmen's Bureau, only for the convenience of the latter. If the rates paid for transportation of the Army are refused by the Railroad Companies, the Q. M. Gen'l has no power to enforce the rendering of the service and it is for the Freedmen's Bureau to arrange with railroad companies the rates to be paid for services, unless the Comdg. General of the Dept., thinks proper as a military measure, to require adherence to the rate hitherto paid."
Dec 24th Referred to Gen'l Whittlesey, C. Q. M. |

| Jan 7th 1866. E.B.p. 215, Vol 2. | Official copy of the above paper forwarded by Gen'l Tillson Dec 29th 1866 With the following endorsement, "The undersigned begs leave to suggest it might be well to fix upon a rate of transportation, satisfactory to the Com's and the AA &c. thereby avoiding the difficulties resulting from the refusal of the latter to receive Gov't Transportation. |

| Dec - 1866. #341 * E.B.p. 125, Vol 2, Dec 31st Read back with report, and file. | Tribune N.Y. Extract from. | New York Dec 6th 1866. Relative to outrages on Freedmen in Obion and Henry Counties and suffering among freedmen at Chattanooga. |

| Dec 20th 1866 #342 | Thomas Samuel Bvt. Brig. Gen'l. |     Washington Dec 20th 1866. Requests to be mustered out of service Jan 8th 1867, in accordance with G.O. 79, A.G.O. 1865. 
Dec 20th Forwarded approved--Suspended at request of Gen'l T. till Jan 5. and taken to A.G.O. by him in person |