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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Sept 29th 1866 #501 | Virginia. O. Brown. General. (2 enclos) | Richmond Sept 28th 1866. Forwards application of Capt A. M. Brooks V.R.C. for an appointment in U.S.A. with Military History. Returned for the opinion of Genl Brown Oct 1.66 Recd back with rept. Oct 5.66 This officer is not sufficiently known at these Hd Qrs. to quantify an opinion. Nothing known against him. Forwarded appd Oct 5.66 |

| Sept 29" 1866 #502 | Virginia O. Brown General Forwarded approved Oct 1" 1866 | Richmond Sept 28" 1866 Forwards comn. of Lt. B. E. Hess V.R.C. forwarding Surgeons certificate and asking that he may be honorably discharged | 

| Sept 29" 1866 #503 E.B. page 31 Vol2. | Virginia O Brown General | Richmond Sept 28" 1866 Forwards comn. of Lieut F. A. Page Supt &c. applies for transportation for Henry Smith (colored) to Nashville and return for himself and Mother, for the purpose of bringing his mother who is destitute and has no one to care for her there. Is able to care for her here, but not able to pay transportation. |

| Sept 29" 1866 #504 * | Virginia, State of J. M. Herndon Sec of Commonwealth file. P.L.B. Vol 3 Oct 2. | Richmond Sept 28" 1866 Acknowledges receipt of letter of 26" inst to the Governor requesting Copies of ordinances and laws in reference to freedmen. In compliance, by direction of the Govr. forwards a Copy of the Constitution of Va. and of Acts of the General Assembly, containing all laws now in force relating to Freedmen. |

| Oct 1 1866 #505. | Virginia O. Brown, Genl. Referred to Asst Comr. of Miss who will furnish the information requested. Oct 1" 1866 Nov 21" Recd back with report. E.B. p.95. | Richmond Sept 27" 1866 Forwards comn of Capt B. C. Cook who writes in behalf of Lavinia Braxton (col'd) inquiring after her daughter Elizabeth Boswell (col'd) was sold from Richmond before the war, last heard from was in Warren, Warren Co. Miss. |

| Oct 2" 1866 #506 | Virginia. O. Brown, General. Oct 4. Retd. to A.C. of Va. The instructions contained in the letter of 27" will apply to refugees as we as freedmen sd. A. P. Ketchum A.A.A.G. | Richmond Oct 1" 1866 Represents that the letter of Instructions in regard to the issue of Rations from the Comr. of date Sept 27" does not provide for issuing to other than freedpeople. States that it has been the practice of the Bureau to issue to such white persons as has become destitute during the War by reason of adherence to the Union and such persons continually calling fraud inquires whether any relief can be afforded them. |

| Oct 3, 1866 507 * | Virginia State of F.H. Pierpont Gov'r file. ans. L.B. Oct 5" 1866 | Richmond Va Oct 2 1866 States this in his opinion the distribution of rations in some localities in Va. by the Gov't to refugees & freedmen is indispensible at present and will be during the Winter. |

| Oct 4 1866 508 | Virginia Gen. O. Brown AAAG. Sent to Maj. Brown A.Q.M. for record | Richmond Oct 3d 1866 Forwards for approval requisition for ambulance and harness required for use at Norfolk  |

| Oct 3 1866 509 | Virginia Col. O. Brown AAAG. Oct 4 Resp'y retd. to A.C. of Va. The sale authorized under Dec. 12 Bureau Law proceeds to be properly reported and sale to be made by a bonded officer. | Richmond Va Oct 2 1866 Forwards request of Capt W. P. Austin A.A.Q.M. Sept 11 for authority to dispose of certain property at auction consisting of Harnesses Cot buggy & horses.  |

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