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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 11" 1866 #517. E.B. page 43 Vol 2. | Virginia. O. Brown, General | Richmond Oct 9 1866. Forwards report of Lt. Col. H. Neide Inspector upon the ejection of Col G. B. Carse Asst Supt. &c. for Rockbridge Co. Va. from the building occupied as residence for himself and family, by civil process and requests instructions  |

| Oct 15" 1866. #518 Oct 15" 1866 Referred to Asst Com'r of Ala. as per request of Genl. Brown Dec 19" Rec'd back with report Returned | Virginia O. Brown General (1 enclo) | Richmond Oct 11" 1866. Forwards com'n of Capt Tidball, who states that Susan Jackson (colored) wishes to ascertain where her children may be found, were sold into slavery south probably S.C. There were 3, one sold to a slave dealer in Richmond she other two to a slave dealer in Petersburg To be forwarded to Asst Comr of Ala with the request that he will if possible ascertain the whereabouts of these children.  |

| Oct 15" 1866 #519 * | Virginia O. Brown General file. see P.L.B. Vol 3. Oct 16. | Richmond Oct 10" 1866 Forwards for instruction letter of Bt. Lt. Col. John W. Jordan requesting special instructions as to the manner in which judgements of the Freedmen's Courts are to be enforced and what action he is authorized to take in doing so. As the civil courts in this locality has issued an Injunction stopping the sale of Gov't buildings it is presumed that no judgement of the Bureau Courts could be executed unless the supremacy of Martial Law is acknowledged. |

| Oct 5" 1866 #520. E.B. p. 46 Vol 2. | Virginia O Brown General (2 enclos) | Richmond Oct 10" 1866 Forwards letter of S. C. Armstrong Supt. enclosing letters written to Tucker Sells Claim Agent at Washington and their reply and requests that means be taken to obtain the information called for in his letter. That he be informed as to whether these agents are reliable. |

| Oct 16" 1866. #521. E.B. page 47 Vol 2 Oct 22" Rec'd back with report E.B. p. 70 Vol 2. | Virginia O Brown General see V534 Vol 8. | Richmond Oct 12" 1866 Forwards for instructions letter of Andrew Washburn Supt of Schools S.M.S. requesting that a suitable building may be provided by the Bureau for the purpose of opening a Free school for white children under the patronage of the Soldiers Memorial Society of Boston. Favorably endorses by Asst Comr of Va and states that the history of their labors the past year is sufficient guarantee that the work will be prosecuted successfully.  |

| Oct 15" 1866. #522. * | Virginia O. Brown General. filed. Official copy to A.C. of Miss. with direction to arrest J.C. Johnson should he go to Greenwood and notify this office of the same Oct 18" 1866 | Richmond Oct 11" 1866 Forwards copies of telegrams in relation to the murder of Patrick Thompson (colored) in Lexington. Requests that the Asst. Com'r of Miss. be instructed to arrest J. C. Johnson under G.O. 44 A.G.O. if he goes to Greenwood and hold him subject to the orders of the Governor of Va.  |

| Oct 16" 1866 #523 | Virginia O. Brown. General. (3 enclos) Oct 18" Referred to Genl Balloch for examination and remarks. Oct 24" 1866 Rec'd back with report. E.B. p. 55 Vol 2. | Richmond Oct 13" 1866 Forwards for approval the pay account of Professor Woodberry for services as Supt of School. |

Transcription Notes:
3-19-2022: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review 3/20 = removed [[/3 columned table]] this is not required, other minor corrections like missing punctuation