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[[3 Columned Table]]

| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov 12th 1866. #549 | Virginia. J.M. Schofield General | Richmond Nov 10th 1866. Forwards comn. of Capt. Wm. L. Tidball Supt. &c stating that Hester Ann Browell (colored) was sold from her home in Greenville E. Tenn. during the war and now wishes to return to parents. Requests information of there whereabouts. Nov 13th Referred to Asst. Comr of Tenn Nov 26" Rec'd back with report E.B. p.112 Vol 2. |

| Nov 12th 1866 #550. * | Virginia. By Lt. U.S. Chase Asst Supt &c See L.B. to Asst Comr of Va & to Lt. Chase direct. Nov 6th 1866 See H 222 Vol 8 See V 553 Vol 8. | Warrenton Va Nov 8th 1866. Reports relative to the teachers at Warrenton Va being deprived of Quarters and leaving that place. file. Official copy sent to Judge Russells Boston with request to hand to Mr. Chancy P.L.B Vol3 Nov 24th 1866: file with V553 Vol8. |

| Nov 14th 1866. #551. E.B p.87 Vol2 | Virginia J.M. Schofield General | Richmond Nov 12th 1866 Forwards communication of Lt. R. Cullen Asst Supt. &c enclosing application of M.F. Alexandria on behalf of a number of freedmen for transportation from Black & White Va. to Silver Creek Miss. to enable them to get better wages than is paid in this state. |

| Nov 14 1866 #552. | Virginia J.M. Schofield. General. | Richmond Nov 13th 1866. Forwards for instructions request of H.C. Percy Supt of Schools, that the schools for Freedmen be furnished with wood for the coming winter or permission to purchase at Gov't rates from the Qr. Mr. With the information that there is no wood in possession of the Bureau. Nv 16" Referred to Genl Whittlesey Chief Q.M. | 

| Nov 15th 1866 #553 * | Virginia J.M. Schofield Gen'l (1 encl) See V550 report of Lt. Chase filed here. See H 222. Vol 5 1866 F 219 Vol 8. | Richmond Nov 14th 1866. Returns communication of Bt. Maj S. Eldridge in relation to the complaints made by Agents of Benevolent Association of Boston that Lt. Chase at Warrenton Va. has taken quarters from teachers and allowed the school to be broken up. With attention invited to enclosed report of Maj. Morse viz "That no blame or selfish motives can in any way be attached to this office, and that he is not responsible for the removal of the Misses Wood and Kempton from Warrenton." The expenses to the Gov't for investigating this, and other cases brought forward by Mr. Pratt renders it desirable that he should be admonished by the society employing him to be more prudent or that his place should be filled by a better man. file. Office copy sent to Judge Russell see P.L.B. Vol3 Nov 23" 1866 |

| Nov 12th 1866 #554 E.B. p.91 Vol2. | Virginia J M Schofield General (1 enclos) | Richmond Nov 15th 1866. Forwards "approved" communicatoin of Bt. Lt. Col. Thos. G. Whytal A.Q.M. enclosing list of miscellaneous stores which are borne on his property. Returns (Bureau) and requests authority to see the same at public auction. |

| Nov 17th 1866 #555 * | Virginia J.M. Schofield. General. file. | Richmond Nov 16th 1866. In reply to comn. of the 13th inst states that Surgeon J.J. DeLamater Ch. Med. Officer and Capt Geo. Q. White A.Q.M. &c are the only Vol. Staff officers doing Bureau duty exclusively in his Dept. and their services can be dispensed with by the assignment of the Med. Director and Chief Qr. Mr. of the Dept. to perform the corresponding duties for the Bureau. It will be necessary to retain them a short time, in order that they may inform their successors concerning the business of their respective Depts. |