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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Sept 10th 1866 #240. | Wilson N.B. | North Grandville N.Y. Sept 7th 1866 Desires to obtain colored servants Referred to Asst. Comr. of D.C. Sept 10th 1866. |

| Sept 11th 1866 #241. * | Western Freedmen Aid Comn. Thos Kennedy Sec. | Cincinnati O. Sept 8th 1866. Has been appointed to take charge of the Educational work in the South. Desires to know if the Bureau will furnish him with transportation also if teachers of the association can receive transportation. Referred to Mr. J.W. Alvord Sept 18th 1866 Recd back Sept 20th 1866. file. |

| Sept 13th 1866 #242. * | Wallach, Richard Mayor. | Washington Sept 12th 1866. Transmits copy of Resolution of Common Council relative to the erection of frame building (and St. bet 19th or 20th) under supervision of the Bureau directing its removal it being contrary to the building regulations of the City. Requests compliance with terms of the Resolution. Ans L.B. Sept 14th 1866. file. |

| Sept 14th 1866 #243. | Westcott James M. See W. 227 Vol 8 1866 | Dundee NY Sept 11th 1866. Desires information of the whereabouts of a colored woman named Amanda Wells Returned to Mr. Westcott inviting attention to endorsement of previous papers of the date Sept 15th 1866. |

| Sept 20th 1866 #244. * | War Dept. Oliver Gibbs Jr. In chg of Printing &c file. | Washington Sept 19th 1866. States that the St. Paul (Minn.) Pioneer has been placed upon the list of official newspapers of the War Dept and requests that Officers of the Bureau be instructed accordingly. |

| Sept 26th 1866. #245. | Waring M.L. (1 encl) See W. 230 Vol 8 1866 | Columbus Ohio Sept 22nd 1866. Asks whether persons owning stock in Banks of Virginia can draw dividends as before the war. States that Lavinia Waring owned stock in "Farmer's Bank of Va" Fredericksburg and drew dividends previous to the War but has not heard from it since. Referred to Asst. Comr. of Va. in connection with other papers for the information Sept 27th 1866. Recd back. E.B. page 44 Vol 2. |

| Sept 20th 1866. #246. * | War Dept E.D. Townsend A.A.G. file. | Washington Sept 22nd 1866. States that by directions of the President the "Missouri Democrat" and the "Evening News" published at St. Louis Mo. have been removed from the advertising list of the War Dept. Direct that officers of the Bureau be instructed accordingly. |

| Oct 4th 1866 #247. | Warner Yardley EB page 35. | Germantown Pa Sept 13th 1866 Writes to Col C.A. Cilley A.A.G. Bureau of R.F.&A.L. North Carolina making inquiries in regard to destitution and suffering in NC Retd to him with endorsement that it is not considered proper to furnish such information except through official channels. Nov 16th Rec'd back with report E.B. p92 Vol 2. |

| Sept 28th #248. * | War Department Oliver Gibbs In charge of Printing acct. file | Washington Sept 26th 1866 States that the Boston Post has been placed upon the list of official newspapers of the War Dept. |

| Oct 5th 1866. #249 * | War Department Oliver Gibbs In charge of Printing acct. file. | Washington Oct 3rd 1866. States that the Providence Daily Post be substituted for the Providence Journal on the advertising list of the War Dept; also that such advertisements be published in Philadelphia Weekly Univers &c. |