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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| 1866  #258. | Woodman. J.F.  (2 enclos)  see B 236. Vol 8.  Oct 22". Referred to A.C. of Miss. for remarks. Nov 3" Rec'd. back with report. E.B. p.72.Vol 2. | Canton Miss.  Oct 8" 1866.  Introduces W.J. Button who visits Washington for the purpose of procuring laborers to carry on his plantation in Miss. |

| Oct 25" 1866.  #259. * | Whittlesey Henry M.  Bt. Brig. Genl. & Ch. Qr. Mr. &c.  fie. | Washington.  Oct 25" 1866.  Forwards letter of Bt. Lt. Col. Jno. P. Low A.Q.M. Charleston S.C. requesting information, "whether he is allowed to hire quarters and buy fuel for Contract Surgeons at stations where there are no other officers or where other officers draw commutation & therefore &c." Genl Whittlesey asks to be informed if it is the intention of the Commissioner to authorize the hiring of Quarters, and purchase of fuel for Contract Surgeons, in cases where the Govt. is not in possession of the same, at points where there are no officers in Military service on duty entitled to Quarters and fuel in kind or commutation thereof. Also invites attention to endorsement of Chief Medical Officer, of Oct 2" 1866. |

| Oct 29" 1866.  #260 | Whittlesey H.M.  Geeral & Ch. Q.M.  (2 enclos) | Washington  Oct 29" 1866.  Encloses Two forms of Blanks required for making up accounts of Steamboats and R. Roads Companies for transportation services. Requests that two Reams of each blank may be printed at once. |

| Oct 30" 1866.  #261 | Wailes B M. Revd.  (1 enclos)  Oct 31" Referred to Asst Comr of Ga. for report. Dec 6" Rec'd. back with report. E.B. p 126 Vol 2. 1866. | Nelly's Ford. Va.  Oct 27" 1866.  Encloses letter from a colored woman named Izetta Carel who was sold from her family about 7 years ago, and is now living in Greenville Ga., she is anxious to return, and her friends desire it, and have raised $25.00 towards paying her expenses. Requests that the Com'r will assist them in their efforts to restore her to her family. |

| Oct 30 1866  #262 *  E.B. p 63 Vol 2. Letter received from Trsy Dept granting free entry. Nov 12" 1866. file. | War Department.  (3 enclos) | Washington  Oct 29" 1866.  Refers for report letter from U.S. Minister at London enclosing an Invoice of goods donated by the Birmingham Association of England to the Freedmen of U.S. and requesting free entry, value. £277.10.3. |

| Oct 29"" 1866.  #263  E.B. p.65.V.2. | Wakefield Jas. O.  See D 8. Vol 2. 1866. | Petersburg Va. Oct 25" 1866  Presents claim for $347 50/100 for services rendered under Capt. E.H. Toby. Co. "C" 10" N.Y.H.A. then stationed at Petersburg. Va. |

| Oct 29" 1866  #264 * | War Department  E.M. Stanton Sec of War.  File See L.B. Oct 13 1866. | Washington  Oct 29" 1866.  Returns "disapproved" Circular letter addressed by Genl Howard to Asst. Commissioners, concerning the re-establishment of Bureau Courts. |