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out. The interest in schools has been decreased reason assigned by teachers being wet weather.

Orleans L. B.

The cases brought before the Agent of this portion of Orleans Parish emanate from the city or its vicinity. About 350 cases have been investigated during the month. None of them, previous to the war, would have been considered of much importance, but a great many of the justices of the Peace have become so corrupt and exhibit such a disinclination to accord justice to freedman that were it not for the Bureau they would suffer severely. The Agent has been authorized to adjudicate all cases in which freedmen are interested that do not involve a greater sum than $100.

Jefferson L.B.
A few cases were reported, most of them concerning rents of houses and lands the remainder being generally family quarrels. But one serious case mentioned, and that came under the head of justifiable homicide. The freedmen generally are quiet and are