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Creoles. A Great many freedmen are engaged in raising -upon shares- vegitables for the New Orleans, markets and are scattered in small settlements along the coast, The freedmen exhibit but little interest in the schools; two have been discontinued until fall._

St. Charles.

In this Parish there have been quite a number of complaints of an ordinary character, But one case is reported of a serious nature
viz: A freedman was whipped by an overseer who was bound over in the sum of 250.  Some difficulty occurred in one of the schools' between the teacher and the parents of the pupils, which was amicably  settled by the Agent._

St. John the Baptist.

A number of complaints have been made in this Parish by both freedmen and their employers- but none of a serious nature, except on one plantation where, through the neglect of the planter to repair his building's, the Sugar Cane will probably