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New Orleans Nov 22. 1867


Inasmuch as the death of Sinclair Mandeville. has made a Vacancy to be filled by some person to discharge the duties of "Disbursing Agent" to the "Freedmen" of their District I wish in this manner to make an application. for that position. hoping it may meet your approval & receive your endorsement.

My connection with the Pay Department during the entire war. has made me very familiar with disbursement of this nature. And as my record there. is without stain or blemish. it certainly entitles me to your consideration as well as that of the Dept - I would also state. that. at the time the position was created. I was presented by Genl Cyrus Hamlin of this City. together with references &c recommending me strongly for the appointment These papers I presume are still on file in 

Transcription Notes:
Lots of mistakes. Reopened on Review to fix.