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unable to obtain a situation. Now I am, with my family, in absolutely destitute circumstances I do not ask pecuniary assistance from anybody, although God knows I am sadly in want, but I do ask for some kind of employment by means of which I may be able to support myself and those dependent on me.

General! If it is in your power, please help me to get a situation either as Clerk, or anything, either here in Baltimore or in Washington - I know that I can give satisfaction in any kind of Clerical duty; and a friend of mine applied in my behalf for a clerkship now vacant here in the Office of the Freedmen's Bureau, but it seems it had already been promised to one of our colored Citizens, so of course I was too late.

I would not trouble you with my distress if I could help it, but I feel so discouraged and disheartened at my many failures in trying to obtain employment, and I trust to your kindness to aid me in my undertaking.

May I hope that you will do so? And, although it does not become me to say so, may I ask you to do it as soon as possible - even at once. It would be a true act of charity.