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"to defraying the expenses of the officer on duty under the Act directing the work to be done, or making the appropriation Examples of almost daily occurrence might be cited where officers on duty "detatched from any command" have medical attendance rendered them, and are reimbursed on presenting their account, properly vouched, under paragraph 1312, Army Reg. 1163. Hence this account and others, some of them by Bvt. Lieut. Col. Chas. Page, Surgeon USA and Medical Director 2nd Military Dist. were "transmitted to the Medical Bureau for settlement" (see latter clause of par. 1312, at sup:). For the same reason, in submitting the annual Estimates for the care of sick refugees and freedmen in the care of this Bureau, no estimate was made for medical attendance upon officers of the Army on duty in thus Bureau while the comment required for the current fiscal year was a little over $450,000, included under four separate heads. I would also call attention to the fact that the account of Dr. Hicks is for attendance upon an enlisted man of the Army, Private Burns Company A, 8th US Infantry, and