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for August, and last for October 1867. Dr. McKinley succeeded him Oct. 28. 1867.

Dr. Taber's name does not appear at all on form 2 (Persons & Articles Hired) for any of the above months.

From these data, it appears to me equitable that he should be paid for 3 months and 1 day (from July 27th to Oct 27. 1867 inclusive), at the rate of $50 per month: amount $151.67.

Very respectfully
Your obdt. servt.

A.C. Swartzwelder
Surg in chief
B.R.F. & A.L.
Dist. La. 

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of what anything past the word "Your" in the closing says. Got it.... Your Obedient Servant is pretty common. Also Yr Obt Svt etc.