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Headquarters Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
New Orleans, La., May 7 1868

A.A. Surg A.C. Taber
Lake Providence La


Inclosed you will find two communications from the Chief Med Officer, both of date May 2nd 1868: One informing you that your property returns "commencing July 23, 1867 and ending Nov 5 1867" have been found "correct & finally settled," the other a certificate of non indebtedness.

In forwarding your account (in duplicity) for services it will be necessary to return with it the certificate of non-indebtedness.

Your account for services cannot end later than Oct 27 1867; for Dr. McKinley took charge of the Dispensary Oct 28 1867.

I cannot assure you that your claim will be paid, because you had no written contract and in consequence, your services were

Transcription Notes:
Dr. Taber written more plainly in previous letter.