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T 3. (O S in Chief) 1868

Post Hospital
Lake Providence La
May 16 1868


Taber AC
A A Surg USA

States he was placed on duty as per inclosed order from Maj Gen Mower, That he did not know how to proceed but supposed Col Edwards would instruct him in regard to getting his pay, and Says if furnished with horse and medicines would now attend the sick freedmen for a moderate compensation

(5 enclosures)

[[stamp]] OFFICE CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER. BU. R.F. & A.L. JUN 22 1868 [[/stamp]]  back
[[stamp]] OFFICE CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER. BU. R.F. & A.L. MAY 25 1868 [[/stamp]]

Recd O S in Chf May 21/68

E 41. R.F. A.L. Vol 12 1868.
L 36 OCMO Vol 2 68
T 6 OCMO Vol 2 '68