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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jan 1867 #41. | Sunderland B. see S 48 See Jan 9th 1867 L.B. Jan 25th Referred to Asst. Comr of D.C. in connection with other papers on this subject. | Washington Jan 12th 1867. Concerning Capt Clark's of his investigation of affairs at Arlington |

| Jan 25th 1867. #42. | Simpson Wiley. Curry John Jan 26th Respt. forwarded to the Q.M.G. U.S.A. | Washington Jan 24th 1867. Apply for pay due from Q.M. Dept. as laborers at Ft. Monroe. |

| Jan 25th 1867. #43 | Smith Kelton. Jan 25 Referred to Asst. Comr. of Tenn. for prompt action if required, action to be reported. Feby 11th - Rec'd back with report. E.B. p. 299 Vol 2 | Corinth, Miss. Jan 19th 1867. Complains of the unjust action of Col. D.D. Holman, Bureau Agent, Springfield Tenn. |

| Jan 25th 1867 #44. | Shiver W. Jan 26th Referred to Mr. Alvord who will furnished the information desired. | Long Run, S.C. Jan 22nd 1867. Requests information as whether there is any appropriation by Congress for supplying books to and Educating the freedpeople. |

| Jan 17th 1867 #45. * | Shorter Mary. col'd 2 encls file. see L.B. Jan 17th 1867. | Wilmington N.C. Jan 116th 1867. Requests transportation to Georgetown. |

| Jan 24th 1867 #46 * | South Carolina State of James L. Orr, Gov. 1 encl E.B. p. 255 Vol. 2. file. | Columbia S.C. Jan 23rd 1867. Requests that the Bureau Officials be directed to aid in arresting and bringing to justice Ruben L. Golding, District of S.C. for murder of Amaziah Payton col'd), may have gone to Shreveport, La. or Galveston Texas. |

| Jan 28th 1867. #47. | South Carolina R.K. Scott General. Jan 30th Returned aproved. | Charleston. Jan 24th 1867. Forwards "approved" proceedings of a Board of Survey convened by S.O. 107. Asst. Comr of S.C. 1867 of which Bvt. Lt. Col. Jas P. Low A.Q.M. is precedent for the purpose of fixing the rent of certain buildings in the city of Columbia S.C. owned by Mrs E.S. Baily which has been used by the Bureau for Hospital ration house and Surgeons Quarters. |

| Jan 28th 1867. #48 | Sunderland B. et al. see S# 41. Jan 29th Referred to Asst. Comr of D.C. for his information | Washington Jan 26th 1867. Notify these Hd. Qrs. that a commission having been authorized to investigate the condition of the Freedmen at Arlington Heights, Va., they have selected David Ruse Esq. to act for them. &c. |

| Jan 21st 1867 #49 * | Smith Georgia King 1 encls. See. G. 22 Vol 9. & S #61. filed herewith S #61. Vol 1. See L.B. Feb 5th 1867. filed herewith G375 Vol 8, G86, S124, 176, 213, 293, 339 Vol. 9. S 354, 408, 519 Vol 10. | Brunswick Ga. Jan 22nd 1867. Referring to estimate of the damage done on her property by Union troops during and since the War. made by Genl Tillson, Asst. Comr. requests that the sum of $9,950.00 be paid as soon as possible, as the family are in destitute circumstances. |