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to account by Col Weigel, and made a 'scape goat to vent his spite upon his Adjutant Genl. and using his authority to place Mr Hildreth in the most unpleasant position instead of acting honorably, and vindicating him in obeying his orders. Through all of which Genl Gregory evinced a most contentable spirit and further that Genl. Gregory directed Hildreth not to obey the orders of Col. Weigel, and would then leave him (Weigel) in command of the office.

Charge 5"  Criminal disregard of the interests of the Freedmen. In this that Genl. Gregory did refuse to recommend men to go to certain well known and responcible parties to have their claims for State Bounty made out, when he was at last forced to return their discharges, but allowed them to be swindled by parties who systematically defrauded the colored people. Through all of which Genl Gregory evinced an utter disregard of the real interests of the Freedmen

These, Colonel, are substantially - though in condensed form - the charges I have preferred against Genl Gregory and I would consider it a favor to myself, and an act of simple justice, if you would furnish me a written statement of your knowledge of these, and any other facts, having a bearing upon the subjects above treated.

I am Colonel
Very respectfully
Your obt Servant
C W Hildreth

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