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Baltimore Md
February 13th 1868.

A W Bolenins. Esqr.
In charge Complaint Div.,
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Baltimore Md.

Dear Sir,
In acknowledging the Receipt of your Communication of the 12 inst. I have the honor to State that in reply thereto, that I consider you have given the Colored people who applied to you for information, all the knowledge you possessed in the matter, in a fair and Candid Spirit, given in as few words as possible and not losing time in asking frivolous questions as has so frequently been done in my presence by Mr Hildreth, Clerk of Claim Div. As to the charge being brought against you of swearing at applicants and others, I can Say I have never heard such words nor do I believe any other person did. In my opinion the whole trouble has arisen through the vindictiveness of Mr Hildreth (whom I believe to be the author of it) who cannot forgive you for Speaking Sharply to him