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claimants, who are entitled to kindness and consideration. 
x Specification Eighth. In this, that the said Maj Bolenius made a practice of ignoring the instructions furnished this [[strikethrough]] this [[/strikethrough]] office by Genl Howard, and instead thereof, consulted Claim Agents of Known irresponsibility, and rascality. Thus practically acknowledging that the Bureau was conducted by persons ignorant of their business and reliant upon Claim Agents and outside parties for information, when it was manifestly to the advantage of said Claim Agents to give incorrect advice, thereby securing to themselves the claimants [[strikethrough]] whom the Bureau had [[/strikethrough]] Eventually, the result of all of which, being to reverse the express objects of the Bureau - namely the protection of the Freedmen, against sharpers and organized swindlers. 
[[left margin]] x this I will make oath to [[/left margin]]

Charge Second - Ignorance of the business.
[[left margin]] this I can swear to if required [[/left margin]]
Specification first
In this, that the said Maj Bolenius knew nothing of the acts of Congress and subsequent regulations, governing