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Charges and Specification against Bvt Maj Gen. E.M. Gregory, late Asst Commr for Md and Delaware

Charge First Delinquency
Specification first, in this, that Genl EM Gregory did, upon the departure of Maj von Schivach, place a clerk in his office, suddenly and unexpectedly over, and in charge of the "Claim Division" of his Office, said Division being the most important branch of the business of the office, and compelling the said clerk to attend to and perform the duties up to that time performed by an Officer and two clerks, and turning over to said clerk all the Books, papers, records &c belonging to said Division. 
Specification Second - In this, that Genl Gregory did persistently refuse to appoint and officer to take charge of the Claim Division, when repeatedly and earnestly urged to do so by said clerk, who represented to him the urgent necessity for so doing, and stated that he could not as a clerk, without power to act, do justice to so important a division, involving as it does monied interests of thousands of dollars, and offering the