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M78(R.F. & A.L., Vol. 12,) 1868.
Vicksburg Miss
February 20, 1868
Genl AC Gillem
Asst Comr
Encloses Genl Ct Martial Orders No 5 Hd Qrs 4th Mil Dist containing charges against & sentence of D.L. Harrison Agent for malfeasance in office and requests revocation of his appointment to date Feby 9th 1868
[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]
appt revoked to date Feby 9. 1868
PL Book 5 Mch 2 1868
Wrapper  (2 Enclosures.)
Received Bureau R.F. & A.L., Mch 2, 1868.

War Department, 
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Washington, 1868