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causes from without; Altogether, it is capable of an isolation that, with no want of Commercial intercourse abroad, (being only twelve miles from the Mississippi river) would secure protection against interference and injury from a mischievous and incompatable neighborhood. 
In this purchase, and scheme, is necessarily embraced a system of industry and social amelioration that should overcome the prevailing distrust of the capacity of the freedmen to sustain himself, and improve permanently his condition, without the presence and cooperation of the white race. The incentives to faithful labour, self denying economy, and the practice of a conservative morality will be great, enduring, and precisely such as are adapted to the comprehension and enterprize of the persons concerned. Every Colonist will have constantly before him the prospect of material acquisitions, equal to his present wants, and sufficient for his indemnity against those of the future, attainable only however by persistent labor; The necessity tendency of progress to the ends in view will be to an increase of industrial effort, and the rejection of those vices, by some supposed an [[?]] infirmity of the race, by others attributed to the former servitude, and by all deplored, as an almost insurmountable impediment to the attainment, of an elevated social condition; And as the scheme advances, the places of those who will remain unworthy, will be occupied by others equal to the situation. A controlling majority of the colonists will be inclined to hard, earnest and well directed labor; this alone should impel the slothful to habits of industry. The first impulse will be great; And it seems almost certain that it will be sustained, by a prospect always in view, of a reward certain, adequate and pleasing to the mind of the laborer. If the combined effort is successful, a general benefit to the race, of incalculable value, may be among its obvious consequences. Other communities will be associated together at eligible localities, throughout the country [[strikethrough]] the country [[/strikethrough]], by similar