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Plattsburgh Barracks N.Y.
March 26th 1868.

Major General O. O. Howard,
Commissioner Bu. R.F.A.L.
Washington D.C.
Thro. Hd Quarters Plattsburgh Bks N.Y.

I have the honor to report for duty in the Bureau, R.F.& A.L. in obedience to special order (this day received) No 63, dated Hd Quarters of the Army (A.G.O) Washington March 14th 1868.

I respectfully report also that I have this day applied to the Adjutant General of the Army. for permission to delay twenty days in complying with orders to be received assigning me to duty in said Bureau.

I am General,
Very Respectfully,
your obdt servant,
A.E. Niles
1st Lieut 42d. U.S. Infantry
Bvt Capt U.S.A