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six years ago.)  I knew that he was correct again. My only defense could be that I had to write, more or less well, about what existed of my effort and its background. I don't feel that I want to write about unaccomplished work until it looses life in my consciousness or formfully appears out of it. If the more abundant writing which Sol had wanted came off it seems to me that it would have looked like a play at idiosyncratic dissolution which could be of no general interest.

Finally, Sol claimed that the published plates would become the most important part of the auto-sketch as an article. It appears that he will be right again. (By the way, he prefaced his attack by saying that the auto-sketch was "excellent" for that sort of 'artists' writing" which is never worthwhile. Amen.)

Don Judd read the first half of the writing yesterday somewhat as you said you did and he laughed in the wrong romantic places and had to tell me about that - especially on "giving breasts in the field in morning light". I could wring his bloody neck - maybe. Oh, its a long time since Donald was a young [[strikethrough]] bo [[/strikethrough]] young twenty-six which I had been. Possibly, he never was that.

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