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October 7 1967.
Lake Valhalla

Dear Phil,

Of course, don't print the letter. I meant it as merely playful. I suppose that I play too hard.

Dennis's remark is of bad taste - ugly enough to warrant at least a "cute" retort, if not a "rap in the chops."

Come now, "priddie shiddie" obviously relates first, to publishing the contents of my letter and then, to the material to which the letter is addressed.

To 'encourage her (Jo) to use my name visibly' is just a rhetorical ploy - a relatively meaningless opening. Frankly - what annoys me is that Jo has calculated the attack for a long time. The theoretical letter is just a ruse. Also, I am displeased with the continuing connection of religion and mysticism with my proposal in an attempt to explain it away simplistically, as having its effect for attitudes other than those of abstract art artifice.

For instance, I have heard and seen Barbara Rose exercise this nonsense on a few occasions. Jo's "Some recent lamp arrangements diffuse their light in a fluffy likeness of