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December 31, 1967. 
January 1, 1968. 
Lake Valhalla


Watch out, this is the promised commentary about aspects of your recently released articles. I can't respond or do not wish to reply to other content than that discussed. About "Who Said Abstract Art Is Waning?" from the Times with which you expressed certain satisfaction:

Most authentic artists whom I can recognize as such seem to consider critically-curatorially contrived generalized "movements" particularly inappropriate for characterizing their individual efforts. They would probably consign such insufficient epithets and catch words and phrases to the art and artist followers who must become typical of a group thought in order to be recognized; therefore, your attitude of the artist's self-sought enrichment "by engaging himself more and more intensively with the movement" seems mainly and peculiarly false. Your notion that, "In the case of the other 'coexisting' movements, the entire struggle of the artist, after an initial impetus, is to disengage or perish, for the movement can neither sustain him nor induce his highest accomplishment." seems to be similarly insupportable and historically silly - entirely contrary to my experience as artist.