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one or all of the socio-economic political "causes" which govern the war leaders and their associates in murder. 

Finally, I am terrifically impressed by the sense that our relationship will survive the disagreement and the controversy. (I believe that it should.) I must admit that I do not possess acute perceptions about human psychology. (That should not surprise you.)  If I am mistaken, do not hesitate to inform the "ignorant".

You know, Phil, before our literary and telephoned exchanges began, I had intended to write to you about the process of art becoming "official", which is more likely the contemporary movement from the profane to the sacred than that of "low" to "high" art which polemically eliminates consideration of the "level" majority. Now, I can't write about that - and barely anything else.  I would wager that if tomorrow, I presented you with "Problems of Criticism, Part Five", your scream would resound about these Hudson Highlands.  Amen. 

Best regards,

P.S. I have been asked by Aninna Weber to write an article on the political, social and economic situation of the American artist for inclusion in the Venice Biennale edition of Metro.