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By have to be convinced that I don't
give a damn about what my opinion seems
to represent to others after I have tried my best to put it out well. Accusations of appearances of "some private malice"... (sour grapes)" may well be provable but even that denunciation does not detract from the meaning of the "warning" which ought to be the main issue for you as it is for me.
I have never seen Merce Cunningham and his
group except on television film. I did not like much of what I saw. I have seen Yvonne
Rainer on at least two occasions in the past.
I enjoyed her solo performance very much. Four years ago, I volunteered to design a poster for her and, out of regard for her capabilities, refused to do more (as she had requested). Somehow, the poster was never solicited. If you are in contact with Yvonne remind her of my promise. I have been containing the idea for the job for too long.
On Monday, I will hear the doctor's diagnosis of my physical condition. Because I know that
I am ill, at least slightly, I have determined not to waste most of the summertime "selling art, particularly my own name brand to businessmen, no matter how profitable that should become. (Evidently, one young Californian named Valentine has made a career "selling out his studio" by the end of August in Aspen. Besides sparing myself of that "talk it up" chore I want to begin the cure in the convenience of my home with Sonja's guidance. By the way, 

Transcription Notes:
Line 4 on spelled as ont