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Of "Letters" to the editor which do not compare at all well in seriousness, commitment, comprehension and scope with the article which you have previously permitted presentation and with its authors apparent abiding sufficient intentions. Again, what has happened to the Boyd Maffered letter which, how your comment,sounded to the wroth the regerodonation and possibly, my reply?
If you wish me to prepare more writing for potential publication, you will have to publish a regnest for it in artform preferably in the same arca where you chose the poise "only farty".(I sense that fam simply fulfilling your game of political critical resperoesely.) If do not want more from you and I will not accept less. Now, you decide.
P.S. You should herr about the Doenmento dismisty from someone more credible to you than freem to be grade Ylnecks's report in last Sunday New York Times was basically peripheral observatory and this week's Dine Magazine review reports even less of what transpired in Kassel. 
P.P.S. Fortunately, fritwred from Stockholm with a tidy package of two of Schwiths colleges from 1923 and 1926, one of Hannah Hoeh's