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football team with "god" on their side but an artist on his own recognizance ought not assume such nonsense. "Does he or doesn't he?" - perhaps only Barbara Rose can tell.

P.P.S. Grand old Barney-Annalee "has" promised to come to Ottawa to open for me. I simply telephoned to ask and Barney, with characteristic personal generosity, agreed. And so I was able to be relieved of having the Ambassador of the Nixoned "caretaker government" to perform the intolerable chore.

One of the senior curators here has been told directly that there is instant anxiety from within the Mirvish organization that Barney is indeed now "crazy" to acknowledge my efforts so personally. Obviously, they haven't yet recognized the man as all artists', "Mr. Equity". And so a great guy - peer of those sixty years will raise his glass (Barney's prediction) and eject the monocle strategically (my hope) in behalf of a mere thirty-six year old tube abuser and his presumptuous twelve years' review. So sober be it.