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words, we could say that Colwitz, Cathy Colwitz, she never did a painting that I know of.

...And she is a great artist. And if Goya had never painted, he would still have been a great artist. So I've always felt this way about black and white. I used to be a little apologetic for not painting, but I've done actually hundreds of paintings. When I was on the WPA, I had to do a painting every five weeks, and I was on three years, so that makes a lot of paintings.

...I guess the most important thing for me has always been to say something...that is to me, much more important than the medium I use. And whatever medium that I could do it strongest in, that's the medium I've always used. That's why murals have seemed important to me, although it's hard to get murals commissions these days. But murals, I've always felt very strongly about because they've allowed me to roam, to say the kind of things I had to say.

...The main point is...what really I've always tried to do...I think that I've boiled down to three things which I try to do, which I think most artists try to do. I try to deal with the truth, as the truth medium is very personal, my personal interpretation of truth. Truth in a real spiritual sense...not spiritual meaning a religious spiritual...but the sense of the inner man, so to speak. I've tried to deal with beauty, and beauty is again as I see it in my personal 
