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WHITE, Charles W.    F 55-56.    Fine Arts (painting)

b: Chicago, Illinois.  ed: Art Institute of Chicago, 37-38; Art Students League, New York, 42-43; Escuela de Peintura e Escultura and Taller de Grafica, Mexico, D.F., 46-47. Julius Rosenwald Fellowship, Edward B. Alford (Atlanta Univ.), National Institute of Arts and Letters Grant, Metropolitan Museum of Art Exhibition, Gold Medal, International Graphic Show, Leipzig Purchase Awards, Howard Univ., Atlanta Univ., American Academy of Arts and Letters, Gold Medal, Los Angeles, All City Art Exhibit, Chaim Zhitlowsky Award, Childe Hassan Purchase Award.

Artist-in-Residence, Howard Univ., 45; Instructor, Workshop School of Advertising Art, New York, 50-53; Otis Institute of Art, Los Angeles, 64-.

Exhibitions: Art Institute (Chicago), Library of Congress, Smithsonian Institution, Institute of Modern Art (Boston), Baltimore Museum, Newark Museum, Brooklyn Museum, San Francisco Museum of Art, Whitney Museum of American Art (New York), American Academy of Arts and Letters, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Renaissance Society (Univ. of Chicago), Long Beach Museum of Art, International Exhibition of Art (Leipzig), Howard Univ., Atlanta Univ., Smith College, Univ. of Utah, Barnett-Aden Gallery (Washington), ACA Gallery (New York and Rome), Downtown Gallery (New York), Pyramid Club (Philadelphia), Pacific Town Club (Los Angeles), Heritage Gallery (Los Angeles), New York Univ., Hunter College, Univ. of Southern California, Occidental College, Long Beach College, Rockford College. Public collections: Atlanta Univ., Fisk Univ., Howard Univ., Univ. of Alaska, Tuskegee Institute, Hampton Institute, Long Beach Museum of Art, Newark Museum, Whitney Museum of American Art, American Federation of Arts, Academy of Arts and Letters, Library of Congress (Pennell Purchase), Joseph H. Hirshorn Collection, Barnett Aden Gallery (Washington), Taller