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August 1940  
American Federation of Arts - Washington D.C.
Page 478 Photo of History of Negro Press Mural

Aug-Sept 1941- 
American Federation of Arts - Wash. D.C.
"Chicago's New Southside Art Center" 
by Alain Locke pages 370-374 plus 
plate of Charles White's "Fatigue" page 272

[[strikethrough]] April 15, 1951 [[/strikethrough]]

April 15, 1951  
The Art Digest - Vol. 25 no. 14 page 13

Sept. 1963 
Ebony Magazine - page 134

June 1964
Bronze America Magazine - "The Universal Language of Art" by Eleanor Poole pages 11-13

Oct. 1964
Ebony Magazine page 63

[[strikethrough]] June [[/strikethrough]]

Jan. 1964-
Los Angeles Magazine - "Art of Our City" Arthur Miller pages 50-51

Jan. 28, 1966 
Life Magazine, "A Negro's Breakthrough" by Gordon Parks page 67

"A Choice of Weapons" by Gordon Parks, Harper & Row publishers

Freedomways Magazine Vol. 6 no. 1, Front & back covers.