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Betty Parsons Gallery, New York, January 20 to February 8, 1947, The Ideogaphic Picture, Foreword.

"The First Man was an Artist", Tiger's Eye, vol. 1, #1, October 1947, pp. 57 to 60.

"The Object and the Image", Tiger's Eye, vol. 1, #3, March 1948, p. 111.

"The Ides of Art--6 Opinions on What is Sublime in Art", Tiger's Eye, vol. 1, #6, December 1948. "The Sublime is Now", pp. 51 to 53.

The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1958-59, The New American Painting, Statement, p. 60.

"Frontiers of Space", Art in America, New York, vol. 50, #2. Summer 1962, pp. 82 to 87, illustrated. (Interview by Dorothy Gees Seckler)

The Jewish Museum, New York, October 6 to December 8, 1963, Recent American Synagogue Architecture. Statement, p. 24.

18 Cantos, A Volume of Lithographs by Barett Newman, Universal Limited Art Editions, West Islip, New York, 1964 Foreword.

VIII Bienal, Sao Paulo, Brazil, September--November 1965 Estados Unidas da America, pp. 205-210. Statement, p. 205.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, April--June 1966 Barnett Newman: The Stations of the Cross, 1ema sabachthani, Statement, p. 9.

"The 14 Stations of the Cross, 1958-1966", Art News, May 1966 pp. 26-28, 57.