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#2. Continued, page 6

- James, George, "Put it there, a Bronx Artist tells 8,500 sanitmen," New York Daily News (New York City), August 10, 1979.
-King, Martin, "Artist's gotta hand it to our sanitmen," New York Daily News. (New York City), June 27, 1980.
-Lippard, Lucy R., ed. Six Years: The Dematerialization of the Art Object. (Praeger, New York), 1973.
-_________, "Washing, Tracks, Maintenance," From the Center, (Dutton, New York), 1976.
-_________, "Issue and Tabu," Issue Catalog (Institute of Contemporary Arts, London), 1980.
-_________,"Power Plays," Village Voice, (New York, February 25 to March 3, 1981. 
-_________, Social Change Art [tentative title]. (Dutton, New York), forth-coming, Fall, 1982.
-Marcus, Stephen, "Sanitmen getting a woman's touch," New York Post, June 24, 1979.
-Morgan, Robert C., "'Touch Sanitation' Or Shaking Off the Material Act," High Performance Magazine (Los Angeles), Fall, 1982.
-Nelson, Nigel, "Shake hands with the patron [sic] saint of garbagemen," US, (New York), September 16, 1980.
-Oppenheim, Carol, "Artist out to prove trash can be art," Chicago Tribune, (Chicago), July 29, 1979.
-Rickey, Carrie, "Art in the Dumps," Village Voice, (New York) November 19, 1979, page 1 and full page inside.
-Roth, Moira, The Amazing Decade: Women's Performance Art from 1970 to 1980, (Astro Artz, Los Angeles), forthcoming, Fall, 1982.
-Schwartz, Jerry, "Shaking hands for art and sanitation's sake," Associated Press Wireservice (1,500 USA and Canadian newspapers), July 25, 1979.
-Schwartz, Jerry, "Maintenance Artist Shakes Hands with 8,500 Garbagemen," Associated Press Wireservice (1,500 USA and Canadian papers), June 26, 1980
-Steisel, Commissioner Norman, Open Door (Vol. 2, No. 7, Department of Sanitation, New York), July, 1980.
"Video Touch Sanitation, "Videography (New York), April, 1980.
-Von Arnim, Gabriella, "8500 Mull-Mannern die Hand Gedruckt," Art Das Kunst (Germany), January, 1980.
-Weiss, Murray, "Artist uses her hand in touching sanit project," New York, Daily News, (New York), November 20, 1979.
-Zimmer, William, "Art Goes to Rock World on Fire: The Pounding of a New Wave," Soho News (New York), September 27, 1979.
-_______, "All in a Day's Work," Soho News, (New York), August 27, 1980.

-WCBS TV, "News Channel 2," with Meredith Vierra, feature on site at opening of TOUCH SANITATION PERFORMANCE, (New York), July 24, 1979.
-WNBC TV, "Newscenter 4," with Chauncy Howell, feature on site at opening of TOUCH SANITATION PERFORMANCE (New York), July 24, 1979.
-WABC TV, "Eyewitness News," feature at end of TOUCH SANITATION PERFORMANCE (New York), June 26, 1980.