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is [[strikethrough]] that there's a [[/strikethrough]] the play between the generaliz[[strikethrough]]ation[[/strikethrough]]ed and the very specific, and [[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]] between the word potential and the visual facts or realization. I mean the word is ephemeral in the sense that it's just a word, and it's just on the page, but the visual act, which is a physical act, is even more ephemeral. [[strikethrough]] because it didn't stay [[/strikethrough]] It's destroyed almost as soon as it's made, [[strikethrough]] or something like that and [[/strikethrough]] often nobody sees it at all. It's not a visual act that was mean to be seen except by chance. 

[[strikethrough]] UM: It was one of the things that Beuys told me, that he feels that the plastic art take over from the other expressions, and that's really what he has been doing. Now the interesting thing is that in Europe the happening is...I mean, it's not any longer a happening but it's an action, and in America it has petered out, because it has been absorbed by the dance halls and the galleries and the concert-hall. It has been commercialized, even department stores have happenings and you know it's finished. [[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] LL: [[/strikethrough]] Of course Kaprow [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] had a lot of valid ideas that are not [[strikethrough]] brought up [[/strikethrough]] remembered as much as they should be. But he [[strikethrough]] is from [[/strikethrough]] embraces the acceptive [[strikethrough]] group that [[/strikethrough]] approach I was talking about earlier, and consequently a lot of the artists who are now working on things that sound kind of like his [[strikethrough]] now, [[/strikethrough]] are not interested in his work because it's too theatrical, it's too acceptive too Dada, too expressionist for their tastes & intentions. [[strikethrough]] there's a stylistic difference, but I don't think there's much of a difference in intention in any way. [[/strikethrough]] The intentions differ but the results often look similar. i
It's a return of AE. 

[[strikethrough]] UM: Isn't there anything else that you wanted to add to actions and happenings interms of the visual arts, having at least somewhat made inroads into the field of theater, of poetry, of [[/strikethrough]]