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LL: [[strikethrough]] No he just does when he idd it across Canada, he had a show in [[strikethrough]] Ca [[/strikethrough]] Halifax, and at Paula Cooper's too, and there was a telecopter [[strikethrough]] sneder [[/strikethrough]] sender and receiver in Paula Cooper's, and then he sent messages from all the way across Canada, or wherever he was in a place that had one of these things.(noisy interruption) 

UM: [[strikethrough]] Where were we at? Well it is actually [[/strikethrough]] The one [[strikethrough]] workd [[/strikethrough]] world idea [[strikethrough]] which [[/strikethrough]] contradicts any sort of establishment. [[strikethrough]] The one world idea means that [[/strikethrough]] You have so many centers [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] that are made by living artists rather than having a chauvinistic art enterprise. [[strikethrough]] That I think is very important, you know. [[/strikethrough]] I think tat is a beautiful anti-art idea. 

[[strikethrough]] LL: Not only that, it's the difference between the two life styles which is so...

UM: How do you mean, between tow life styles? [[/strikethrough]]

LL: [[strikethrough]] The kind of art that... [[/strikethrough]] The artists that are trying to do non-object art are also trying to get out of being bought and sold, and being [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] made a [[strikethrough]] copy [[/strikethrough]] commodity of. I'm sure the object artists [[strikethrough]] didn't [[/strikethrough]] don't want [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] that any more than anybody else, but their work unfortunately leads itself to capitalist marketing devices. [[strikethrough]] But it comes to the point where the [[/strikethrough]] The people who buy [[strikethrough]] this kind of thing [[/strikethrough]] a dematerialised work of art and the people who back it, are [[strikethrough]] the people who are [[/strikethrough]] less interested in possessing things and hanging onto things. That's why [[strikethrough]] people [[/strikethrough]] museums [[strikethrough]] are so [[/strikethrough]] seem inapplicable to all of this, [[strikethrough]] kind of art, [[/strikethrough]] because museums are basically very acquisitive. Most museums, even modern museums, are interested in grabbing and collecting and holding on to as much as they can. And this new aesthetic is against that kind of thing. [[strikethrough]] It become s part of an artist's lifestyle. Making your own somthing that isn't as naturally elegant as [[/strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
Unsure if strikethroughs and add ons are formatted correctly