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[[strikethrough]] each one in its own right is of value, and I was wondering whether you still wanted to make a comment on the anti-establishment attitude, though you have said something about in realtion to the galleries. For example there is the small guerrilla theater [[/strikethrough]] 

[[strikethrough]] LL: [[/strikethrough]] So is the AWC, I was [[strikethrough]] very [[/strikethrough]] kind of politicized by a trip [[strikethrough]] a year and a half ago [[/strikethrough]] in the fall of '68 to Argentina, where I talked to artists who felt that [[strikethrough]] they could not do [[/strikethrough]] it was immoral to make their art [[strikethrough] until while [[/strikethrough]] in the present society [[strikethrough]] improved. The societies that existed now were not worth putting art into, [[/strikethrough]] that art was too good for [[strikethrough]] sociey [[/strikethrough]] society [[strikethrough]] and that, [[/strikethrough]] as it stood. And it think it becomes so clear [[strikethrough]] now [[/strikethrough]] that today everything, even art, exists in a political situation, [[strikethrough]] (and( [[/strikethrough]] I don't mean that the art itself has to be seen [[strikethrough]] ) [[/strikethrough]] in political terms or look political, but the way theartists handle their art, where [[strikethrough]] you do [[/strikethrough]] they make it, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] what chance [[strikethrough]] s you [[/strikethrough]] they [[strikethrough]] give to it [[/strikethrough]] get to [[strikethrough]] do [[/strikethrough]] make it, [[strikethrough]] all does become a political situation. [[/strikethrough]] how they are going to let it out and to who- it's all part of a life-style. It becomes a matter ofartists' power,[[strikethrough]] to some extent, of the artist is becoming [[/strikethrough]] of artists getting a certain solidarity so they are not at the mercy of being manipulated by the artist and the museum and a society [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] which doesn't understand what he's doing. [[strikethrough]] Let the artist at least have his rights adn be considered a first-class citizen.[[/strikethrough]] 

The AWC is not anti-art but anti- [[strikethrough]] art world in [[/strikethrough]] current treatment of art & artists; anti-art world [[?]]

[[strikethrough]] more a coalition not anti art but anti art world [[/strikethrough]]