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sent personal to M.T. (hand written)
[[note]] Draft.
Dec 2, 1970

[[left margin]] [[strikethrough]] Draft Pli 2. [[/strikethrough]] 
[[/left margin]]

Dear Maccia,

Sorry about this hurried note... awfully busy. Was a bit [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] surprised [[strikethrough]] bric [[/strikethrough]] yesterday when you informed me of the museum's policy concerning not [[strikethrough]] sharing [[/strikethrough]] using an artist's works on exhibitions which [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] follow one another. Unfortunately this seems like one of those Kafkaian policies that are resurrected for convenience. Did some inquiring and found that other artists had been given the option or were at least told about The policy. I would like to have known about it. Even though I was away for 2 weeks I would have made appropriate arrangements so the other members of your staff could view the work. True I've been in 14 places at one, but something could have been arranged. 
I know how annoying it can be to get fairly candid letters from artists when they brush up against "policy" but I'm not one to hide my annoyance. 
H. Pindell 

Transcription Notes:
Kafkaian vs Kafkaesque - What's the difference? Adjective ยท Marked by a senseless, disorienting, often menacing complexity.