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May 18, 1984

Dear Lucy - Well, I lost the place. It was all very strange. So I'm out on a limb again. Let me know if you hear of anything. Enjoyed our evening together. I must admit feeling displaced does not suit me. Feeling a bit frustrated and somewhat angry about the place falling through. I'm thinking that I may have to rent two spaces and apartment and a work space. This does not appeal but it may be the only answer. Oh well. If you hear of anything let me know.

Lucy - I'm also interested in a temporary work space I can rent on a month to month basis while I am looking for a permanent one so I can work

[[stamp]] SUN.MAY 20 [[/stamp]] 

Lucy Lippard
138 Prince Street
New York, New York

Folio from a dispersed Bhagavata Purana series
North India, Delhi-Agra region, circa 1520-1540
Opaque watercolor on paper
17.4 x 22.9 cm. (6 7/8 x 9 in.) exclusive of borders
The Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. H. Peter Findlay 80.41

© 1981 The Brooklyn Museum. Printed in the USA

Transcription Notes:
image: USA 13¢ Crazy Horse