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it is in condition to continue to withstand travel and frequent handling. Of course, your current staff does have proper concern, but personnel in any organization such as Port Authority is subject to change and there is the danger that in the future there might not be this kind of professionalism. Such continuity can only be guaranteed with a museum situation.

Since these murals, after all, are part of the patrimony of the City of Newark it would seem logical that The Newark Museum be entrusted with this responsibility. Another work created for the airport is already in the Museum’s collection and this sets a precedent. The Jose de Rivera airport sculpture, Flight, was allocated to The Newark Museum by the WPA Federal Art Program in 1943.

Before a decision is made on the Houston loan request I think the matter should be brought to the attention of the Board and the Art Committee so that the ultimate disposition of these historical works can be made.


Samuel C. Miller
