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Anniversary of the birth of
ARSHILE GORKY, (1904-1986)


Letter to the Editor.

My fellow Americans:

I have great respect and admiration for my Jewish American friends and their beliefs and the sovereignty of the State of Israel.
I envy the great contributions they have made to the world through such giants as Einstein, Oppenheimer, Heifez, Modigliani …
But, please don’t take away from me the one and only Armenian Arshile Gorky. He was the most important survivor of the Armenian Genocide. 
Destiny brought him the the United States to become a pioneer and leader in contributing to the History of art in America.
“A Documentary History of Immigrant Jews in America, 1880-1930” publishes Gorky’s famous “Mother and Child” painted and confuses the art world by making the artist an American Jew.
I denounce and proudly declare, specifically to the art world, that THIS IS NOT TRUE.
Arshile Gorky (Vosdanik Adoian), was not a Jew. He was a proud Armenian American, a real survivor  of the April 24, 1915 Genocide.
On this, the 82nd Anniversary of Gorky’s birth and the 71st Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide, I direct my words to my Turkish Ally: The German people have admitted and apologized for the crime committed against the Jews in World Ward II. It is time to accept your history and admit that the Ottoman Empire and the Young Turks committed the first Genocide of the 20th Century that sent innocent people to their Death March and Martydorm and tried to erase the Christian Armenians from their 5000 year-old homeland. It is time to accept the testimony of the American people; time to recognize our culture and history as immortalized by such as Arshile Gorky.

Marcos Gregorian 
April 15, 1986

Marcos Gregorian - Artist
Collection Museum of Modern Art, NYC
Nelson A. Rockefeller Collection
Professor of Arts 1970’s
Teheran University 
Director Gorky Gallery NYC