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For the catalogue of the first exhibition of paintings and drawings by Arshile Gorky held at the Julien Levy Gallery from March 6 to 31, 1945, Andre Breton wrote a forward, "The Eye-Spring - Arshile Gorky," which is reprinted here with the kind of permission of Julien Levy. The drawings in the exhibition were not catalogued; the titles of the paintings included were listed as follows:
1. The Leaf of the Artichoke is an Owl
2. One Year the Milkweed
3. Water of the Flowery Mill
4. The Sun, the Dervish in the Tree
5. The Horns of the Landscape
6. They Will Take My Island
7. The Pirate
8. The Love of a New Gun
9. How My Mother's Embroidered Apron Unfolds in My Life
Subsequent exhibitions of paintings and drawings by Arshile Gorky were held at the Julien Levy Gallery from April 16 to May 4, 1946; March 1 to 8, 1947 ("Gorky Drawings"); February 29 to March 20, 1944; and a memorial exhibition, "Arshile Gorky, 1905-1948," from November 16 to December 4, 1948.
It has been thirty years since the death of Arshile Gorky and the series of his exhibitions at the Julien Levy Gallery. The present exhibition of paintings and drawings which were shown in the same space at that time would not have been possible without the kind cooperation of many people too numerous to acknowledge individually. We do want to express our appreciation in particular to Mr. and Mrs. Julien Levy for the generous loan of paintings and drawings from their collection as well as their patience with the details of organizing the exhibition. We wish to thank the following museums, galleries and private collectors for the painting and drawings which they have loaned in memory of the artist: The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; The Museum of Modern Art, New York; Sidney Janis Gallery; Mr. William Copley; and Mrs. Richard Selle.

"The Leaf of the Artichoke is an Owl," 1944, oil on canvas, 28x36 in. Collection of The Museum of Modern Art, N.Y. (cover).

"The Pirate II" 1943, oil on canvas, 30 x 36 in. Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Julien Levy