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Louis Guglielui, young Federal Art Project painter, recently was awarded an Edward MacDowell Association fellowship. Only three other painters were so honored. He will spend the summer at the MacDowell Colony at Peterborough, N. H.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art purchased a portrait of his wide from Robert W. Godfrey, a young painter who before he was employed by the WPA art project had been sleeping in the New York subway.
At the annual exhibition of the Cleveland Museum of Art this year four project artists, Jack J. Creitzer, Edris Eckhardt, William Sommer, and William A. Delwick, captured five first prizes and a number of other major awards.
Because mural painting provides a direct bridge between the artist and his public it has been encourage. It gives the public a chance to come in daily contact with works of art. This close relation between the artist and the public is healthy for both. It provides a stimulus for the artist, and works toward the improvement of public taste which will insure [ensure] the artist a more discriminating [?] public in the future. More than 350 Federal Art Project murals are now under way or completed in schools, colleges, libraries, and other tax supported public buildings in every section of the country.  
Sculpture for public buildings and for public parks also gives the artist a direct contact with his public. Hundred of sculptors on the Federal Art Project murals are now under way of completed in schools, colleges, libraries, and other tax supported public buildings in every section of the country.
Sculpture for public buildings and for pubic parks also gives the artist a direct contact with his public. Hundreds of sculptors on the Federal Art Project are now at work on figures and fountains for public parks, gardens, and other public institutions. In communities all over the country civic improvement campaigns are making use of sculpture produced under the Federal Art Project. 
In line with this general purpose the Federal Art Project is establishing art galleries throughout the country which have among other