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In many communities pioneer work is being done. For instance, the three North Carolina galleries, in Florence, Greenville and Columbia are the very first art centers of any kind in that state. Many mountaineers and others who would hesitate to enter large and imposing museums come in for lessons in painting, weaving and modelling. In addition to the thousands of visitors to the galleries monthly, approximately fifteen hundred children and adults are enrolled in the free art classes in this state. Many have found ways of earning money through instruction received in the arts and crafts.

Whenever possible the Federal Art Galleries are situated in central downtown districts where people may drop in easily for exhibitions, classes and informal lectures. A large number of them are open until nine in the evening. Both the wisdom of central location and the need for such friendly art centers has already been proved by the enthusiastic attendance. In Miami alone, there was a registration of 10,000 visitors during the first weeks of operation. Displays of pictures, sculpture and the practical arts are changed every three weeks. Local talent, loans from museums and galleries throughout the country and displays sent out from the exhibition department of the Federal Art Project, give diversity and balance to these shows.

Frequent demonstration of various art media - such as painting, sculpture, print making etc., are planned to show how and with what the artist works. The stimulation of such demonstrations is apparent at once. Usually there is a rush of eager children and adults to join classes after these talks. Other lectures which are given are designed to reveal art as a form of enjoyment, available to all, not as an intellectual struggle, dependent upon expensive and specialized education.