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with limited ability to execute the self-record are also rare, but less rare than the Titian type. Lesser selves with extensive recording ability are common. That is why there is so much slick art in the world.

Art never rose higher than its source - the personality of which it is the record. When that personality, that illusive and undefinable entity we are calling the self, happens through a miracle of nature or circumstance or training to reflect and sum up the aspiration of an epoch, and when by a like miracle it happens to possess also the requisite ability to make the self-record, great art results. Great art was never produced by a trivial persoh [[person]]. To sum up the aspiration of one's time is an achievement so vast and supreme as to be worthy of all honor.  

The Federal Art Project would be delighted to be the means of revealing the American Titian. It would be much gratified to be able to announce to you that it had turned up a Tintoretto, or even a couple of Whistlers. Unhappily, it can make no such announcement. What it can say to you is that it has the privilege of conserving the skill and talent of some five thousand trained people, struck down by the depression, five thousand people whose life work and profession it has been to carry on the tradition of art in this land.

But it can say more. I am not now thinking in terms of statistics; the newspapers have already given you some idea of the amazing production of this small army of art workers - of the hundred odd murals in every section of the country already completed or in