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Lake Merrit. The Big C Cirkus was Saturday - quite an event. Everybody seemed to like this issue of the Pelican.

An educational play school lady called me up and I went to see her last week. She wants me to do publicity for the school - 2 articles a month - in return for Willy's future enrollment. Her name is Rosmary Smith she is English and has studied with Dr McGair [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] the famous "twin-conditioner" that Alex was telling us about. They teach them to swim at 18 months, and roller skate at 2 years. She is very nice. Comes out once a week to the house to see if Willy is developing properly. All he did was stare at her and wouldn't even look at little red buttons & things! We bought him a wooly dog yesterday - very cute and washable only he doesn't play with it. He plays with a little pig, though - holds it by both arms and stares at