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April 22, 1941

Dear Mother:

The slides, as I said before, belong I think to a Professor Parker, but Tim Pflueger would know definitely.

I got your nice long letter yesterday, and am glad to hear youre getting along so well. The polka dots never disappear - I still have mine, but the whole decoration has turned white instead of purple by this time.

The earthquake was greatly over publicized - there were only thirty people killed in Colima, and nobody injured here. It was rather funny, as Diego had pointed out the moon a couple of nights before the quake, and said "the Indians say the moon like that (luna de agua) means there will be an earthquake soon" - and there was! 

I went around the markets with Ayala last week, and found some old silver jewelry, a marvellous [[marvelous]]] amber necklace - the plaza of Mixcalco deals in old iron and junk, including jewelry. We also went through the Merded and got some colored yarns, which I use in my hair. Ayala is sick with Malaria this week, and I am waiting for him to prepare my wall the way I want it before I start painting it. I'm painting a landscape while waiting.

Diego has been sick of the eyes this week, and hasn't been able to work - he is better, but still can't paint and is very difficult to get along with as a consequence.

I went to an opening of an art exhibit with the O'Gormans the other night - Miguel, Antonio Ruiz, Best Maugard and others were there - Helen insisted on telling Best Maugard that he had met me when I was twelve years old, which quite intrigued him, and we had a slight conversation. Lupe Marin was there - I had never seen her before. She is quite handsome. She calls me up every so often to tell me she does Not want to speak to Mr. Rivera personally, she only wants her money left with Misrachi. (He is Diego's dealer, agent, etc.)

Could you send me a bottle of Iso Propyl alcohol, or two, and maybe some silk stockings? I am down to my last pair, and they are frightfully expensive down here. The flashlight arrived, and Angel is very pleased. How much was it, as he wants to pay for it.

The museum is in Junta de Conciliaciones, a pink building on the Reforms across from the Hotel Imperial. the wall area is about 20 square meters, and I am doing it alone, except for some assistance from Ayala or one of the men there if I want it. Diego and Juan both like the drawing very well.

The 25th is Aunt Flo's birthday, and the 7th of May is Mrs. Cairn's.

I hope Donald doesn't get any more colds, I think it would be a good idea to give him Cutter's cold shots next fall- they certainly cut down my colds.

Maybe Liera could bring my camera back with him - I'd like to have it. What is his address in Mexico? I would like to see him before he leaves, if possible.

Lots of love,

Emmy Lou